M8 - The Process of Statistical Tests

By the end of this module, you should be able to:

  • Recognize and describe the role of testing in statistical inference,
  • Explain the structure of a statistical test,
  • Formulate appropriate null and alternative hypotheses for a given situation,
  • Calculate appropriate test statistics for tests of a single mean and large sample tests of a single proportion,
  • Apply the sampling distribution for a sample mean and the large sample sampling distribution for a sample proportion to calculate P-values,
  • Distinguish between correct and incorrect descriptions of a P-value, Make appropriate conclusions based on P-values.

Topics covered in this module

Learning resources:

  1. Data Used in this Module
  2. Introduction to Statistical Tests (video)
  3. The Structure of Statistical Tests (video)
  4. Hypothesis Testing for Proportions (video)
  5. Hypothesis Testing for Means (video)
  6. Optional: Guide to carrying out the analysis in this module using R (pdf)