M11 - Simple Linear Regression

By the end of this module, you should be able to:

  • Describe the purpose of linear regression and how a regression line is estimated,
  • Demonstrate appropriate use of the vocabulary and notation of linear regression,
  • Use linear regression to describe the relationship between an independent and dependent variable,
  • Interpret the regression line,
  • Connect the estimated regression line to the corresponding scatterplot and correlation,
  • Apply appropriate inferential methods for the slope of the line to determine whether a linear relationship exists,
  • Use graphical displays, including residual plots, to assess whether a regression line is appropriate to describe the relationship between two quantitative variables, and whether related inferential methods are appropriate,
  • Identify situations in which a log transformation is appropriate and interpret results of a linear regression in which the data have been log transformed.

Topics covered in this module

Learning resources:

  1. Data Used in this Module
  2. The Regression Line (video)
  3. Simple Linear Regression: Some Cautions (video)
  4. R2, The Coefficient of Determination (video)
  5. Inference for the Slope (video)
  6. Checking the Conditions for Linear Regression (video)
  7. Transformations in Linear Regression (video)
  8. Optional: Guide to carrying out the analysis in this module using R (pdf)