M10 - Comparing Two Groups
By the end of this module, you should be able to:
- Describe a matched pairs situation and the advantage of using matched pairs.
- Carry out a statistical test for means and a confidence interval for difference in means in matched pairs situations.
- Identify situations when it is appropriate to apply methods for comparing proportions or means from two independent samples.
- Construct confidence intervals for differences in proportions and means from two independent samples.
- Carry out statistical tests for equality of proportions and means from two independent samples,
- Identify a situation for which it is appropriate to carry out a sign test, carry out the test and interpret the results.
Topics covered in this module
Learning resources:
- Data Used in this Module
- Matched Pairs (video)
- Comparing Two Proportions (video)
- Comparing Two Means (video)
- The Sign Test for Matched Pairs (video)
- Optional: Guide to carrying out the analysis in this module using R (pdf)
- Optional: Additional guide to carrying out the analysis in this module using R for The Sign Test (pdf)