M1 - Summarizing Data: One Variable

Summarizing Data: One Variable

By the end of this module, you should be able to:

  • Choose appropriate summary statistics and graphical displays given the type of variable and its features,
  • Connect different corresponding graphical displays and connect summary statistics to corresponding graphical display,
  • Calculate appropriate summary statistics and construct appropriate graphical displays using statistical software,
  • Apply and interpret summary statistics and plots to learn about data.

Topics covered in this module

Learning resources:

  1. Data Used in this Module
  2. An Introduction to Statistics
  3. The Five Number Summary (video)
  4. The Centre of the Data and the Effects of Extreme Values (video)
  5. The Spread of the Data (video)
  6. Z-scores
  7. The Shape of the Data (video)
  8. Categorical Variables (video)
  9. Some Features of Data (video)
  10. Use the tools from this module to Explore the Skeleton Data (interactive app)
  11. Optional: Guide to carrying out the analysis in this module using R (pdf)